What is Spirulina? Spirulina is the common name for the blue-green algae Arthrospira platensis species of cyanobacteria. It's abundant in nature in lakes and ponds where warm, alkaline conditions prevail, and it is farmed commercially for dietary suppl...
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Green tea is produced when the fresh leaves of the camellia sinensis plant are steamed, dried, rolled and blended. There are several kinds of green tea, many of which are harvested at different times of year to bring out their best qualities and strengths...
Read > What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble nutrient required in tiny amounts for essential metabolic reactions in the body. It's crucial to normal brain function and nervous system
health and works in concert with fol...
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What is protein powder?Because protein is necessary for the
healthy function, structure and regulation of body cells, tissues and organs, protein powders are formulated to inspire a maximum metabolic effect in the body. Protein powders are used aggressive...
Read > What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring sugar (polysaccharide) in the body and a component of synovial fluid (1) and subcutaneous tissue (2). HA is being explored extensively by the medical community as a treatment for de...
Read > What is conjugated linoleic acid? In scientific terms, conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, refers to the conjugated dienoic isomers of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid essential to good
nutrition. In lay terms, CLA is a trans-fat which occurs natural...
Read > Uses for coconut oil Coconut oil is a member of the family of tropical oils which include palm, palm kernel, cocoa, shea nut and coconut oils. Coconut oil is primarily used for cooking but is popular as an emollient and as a topical treatment for skin ...
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B complex, once thought to be a single vitamin, is now classified as 12 related water-soluble compounds. Four can be synthesized by the body and include inositol, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), choline and lipoic acid. The remaining eight are not made in ...
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Amino acids occur naturally in the body. They're nitrogen-containing compounds which compose the structure of proteins and are said to be essential in maintaining a healthy metabolism. When analyzed separately, it appears that each individual amino acid m...
Read > nutrition-516536.html" title="Read: Health Benefits of Garlic and Nutrition">Health Benefits of Garlic and Nutrition
Garlic is beneficial to good health in one way or another. Get past the odor, and a world of good can be had from a daily regimen of fresh garlic or garlic supplements. Although not all of garlic's health benefits have been proven in the laboratory, centu...
Read > It's no secret that Twinlab vitamins and nutritional supplements offer the highest level of quality ingredient standards for dietary products on the market today. The company's innovation in supplemental products for better health and lifestyle maintenanc...
Read > It wasn't that long ago that nature's way was the only way to stay fit and healthy. People worked hard to survive, and they lived off the land and the elements. Nutritional supplements didn't exist - and health suffered. Today, people have a choice. ...
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