How to lose fat:
a.Diet and nutrition; diet is important in fat loss and varies from one food group to the other as explained below:
Taking whole unprocessed grains/cereals; these foods are rich in fiber from the bran and seed coat which are removed in processed/refined grains. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate which when converted to calories yields only twenty to thirty percent calories unlike refined grains which give hundred percent of calories thus fat accumulation, fiber is thus important in enhancing the burning of fats, fiber also suppresses the appetite thus making one take less calories which is important in losing body fats. Fiber plays an important role in regulating the insulin levels which is important in fat burning.
Proteins have an effect of satiation and also thermic effect which are necessary in burning fats and hence loss of fats for example if eggs are taken in the morning they are able to reduce the amount of calories taken during the day by four hundred calories which goes along way in losing of the excess fats in the body. They also increase the metabolic rate which later burn fat hence fat lose. The portion sizes of proteins should also be watched and plant sources of proteins are encouraged as compared to animal proteins though some levels of animal proteins should be taken.
Vegetables and fruits are rich in soluble fiber which enhances the burning of fats and also when fruits and vegetables are taken, they keep one full for long which therefore reduces the amount of calories taken in the whole day thus reduced calorie intake hence fat lose. They are also low in calories thus help in losing fat. They include broccoli, apples, asparagus, oranges, kales and spinach among others.
Take healthy fats; these are the unsaturated fats such as the oil from seeds which have the unsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids) which discourage the accumulation of fats by burning them. Also fish oil is rich in omega-3-fatty acids and omega-6-fatty acids which increase the rate of metabolism which lead into fat loss. Saturated fats such as margarine, shortenings and animal fats should be avoided as they lead into fat accumulation.
Water; a lot of water should be taken as it helps in hydration of the body and it is important in the breakdown of fats for energy in the liver a process called lipolysis thus weight loss.
Eat frequently; to lose fats, one should eat small portions of healthy foods frequently as this will make one take less calories because the body is not in fear of starvation. When foods are not taken regularly, one will end up taking a lot of calories which will later lead to fat accumulation. Make sure that food is taken at specific times every day as this will help manage fats.
Breakfast; this is an important meal for people who want to lose fat because it helps to reduce the amount of meals taken during the day unlike when skipped.
Green tea is also important in fat loss as it increases the rate of metabolism thus burning fats.
b.Strength training or resistance training; this should be done following a regular plan for it to yield good results. It should start from low intensity and be increased slowly for the body to be used to it. These activities will increase the metabolic activity which definitely will lead into loss of fats. They will also ensure that muscles are built and maintained thus less fat. Strength training will also help one to stick to a particular diet which is important in fat loss.
c.Cardiovascular activities; this should be done moderately as excess of cardio will lead into burning of muscles rather than the fats. Cardio should be done in combination with strength training and aerobics because cardio alone does not yield better results and should be done by following a strict plan.
d.Other exercises should be done such as jogging, walking, swimming as they are known to increase heart rate which is important in fat loss. This should be done regularly and it is important to take some post exercise or workout meal, a meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins or a post workout shake as this will help replenish the lost energy during the exercises and workouts.
e.Rest and recovery; all these training activities should be followed by rest time which is very important in fat loss. This is because at this time when the body is at rest, the metabolic rate increases thus burn fats which will ultimately lead into fat loss. Muscles are gained at this period as fats are broken down.
f.Track the food eaten; by tracking the foods that one consumes, he/she in a short period will be able to determine the ones that have the fat burning effect and also the quantities that are consumed will be monitored easily. This will achieve good results within a short period of time as opposed to eating without monitoring and evaluating what is eaten and what is not eaten by tracking one will be able to amend necessary changes.
g.Snacking; this should be done by taking healthy snacks as compared to nutrient rich snacks such as potato chips or fries which is rich in hidden fats which will lead to fat accumulation instead of loss. These can be in form of fruits, low fat dairy products such as yoghurt or vegetables which are low in calories thus discourage fat accumulation thus fat loss. Other foods that are to be avoided include sodas which have a lot of sugars added to them thus increase fat accumulation instead of loss. Alcohol also has got a lot of false energy which is not desirable in fat loss hence should be minimally taken and if possible it should be avoided in order to lose fats.
g.Prepare meals at home instead of buying from a fast food joint; this will ensure that you add what is healthy for you and avoid some other additives which may not help in fat loss. In fast foods you don't have control on what they add in their foods thus may not help in burning fats. in some cases some people may use supplements in order to lose fats.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
How To Lose Fat
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