As we get older, we often pause to evaluate ourselves: Am I accomplishing all I want? Am I doing enough to help others? Am I flossing enough? Do I like my work? All sorts of questions pop into our minds. But, when you turn 40, 50, 60, and beyond the questions change. Why is my body making that noise? Am I eating right? What sorts of exercises do I need to stay fit?
We all ask these questions because we want to feel better and live healthier lives. However, as we age the exercises we did in our 20's and 30's are not as easy or as much fun anymore. It's time to find new ways to make fitness work for us, not against us. We know regular exercise can and will keep us strong and vital. It is just a matter of finding activities that fit our needs.
Our Body is Changing. Our bodies change throughout our lives. We tend to notice these changes more as we age. "We see the results of physiological changes around 40 and after," states Greg Payne, author, professor at San Jose State University's Human Performance Department. Payne says, "Strength, cardiovascular capacity, metabolic rate, flexibility and reaction time decrease as we grow older." Over 40, specialist believe our functional capacity of most organ systems start to decline at the rate of one percent a year (or 10 percent a decade) if left unchecked. Decrease in bone mass, which hastens osteoporosis (especially in women), and water loss are major changes that take place.
Optimistically, many of the symptoms of aging are really symptoms of lack of exercise. Studies show we can prevent as much as 50 percent of functional decline by participating in regular exercise. Decline is related directly to lifestyle choices rather than the biological process of aging.
Getting Motivated. Everyone has different motives for working out – from feeling and looking physically better to stress management and a need for physical fun and social activity. One major reason people choose to exercise is to improve appearance. However, the consultations, health histories and goals my over forty clients share with me indicate exercise becomes a health issue and stress-relief mechanism. Flexibility and strength become functional priorities in preserving their quality of life. weight loss is important for appearance, as well as for health issues; e.g. high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, breathlessness and fatigue.
Exercise importance is pretty much a given, while adherence is the key. Having fun and working out with a friend or family member helps encourage regular activity.
Over Forty Exercise Programs. A balanced exercise program that includes cardiovascular exercise (preferably low impact), muscular strengthening, endurance training and flexibility exercise is important for clients over 40. Fitness level, not age, determines the design, content and approach of a program. It's never too late to exercise and you are never too old to start. When considering the average inactive population, my philosophy is that something is better than nothing, and my goal is to encourage participation in any activity that will result with health benefits. For more information and tips on exercise, go to
Linda Geyer, entrepreneur, speaker and author has spent her entire career in health related businesses helping clients and audiences make health a priority. She is Founder and CEO of Vitality Management and owner of Peak Physique Fitness Training in Michigan. Linda inspires, motivates and educates on health prevention through exercise, healthy eating and positive attitude. For FREE tips go to
To contact Linda Geyer, email
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