Monday, 9 September 2013

Alen Green

5+ Diet Plan - Lose 7 Pounds In 5 Days.

Following this diet plan you will be able to lose 6-7 pounds in 5 days. 5+ means that this diet plan lasts 5 days and on 6th day it's allowed to eat some sweets but strictly before 4 p.m. After 4 p.m. only water as much as possible; there is no limit. ... Read >

Menu For Low Fat Diet

Menu for low fat dietIt is very easy to follow diet menu without difficult recipes.Using menu for low fat diet you will be able to loss about 5 kg per week.Menu for low fat diet is balanced and provide the body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins; i... Read >

Very tasty seven-day fruit and vegetable diet

Very tasty seven-day fruit and vegetable diet, which is good in summer, because this time of year is replete with fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. So, choose for this diet plan those fruits and vegetables, which you like most of all, and eat them ... Read >

Easy Weekly Diet Meal Plan

This weekly diet meal plan allows you to lose about 5 kilograms. Mostly it consists of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. There is only one disadvantage of this diet meal plan: it will be hard to follow it at work time. During the weekly diet meal... Read >

Diet Cabbage Soup Recipe With A 7 Day Diet Plan

If you will do everything correctly you will see effect already on the third day (1.5-2 kg, and per week - 5-6). Cabbage soup diet plan consists of products containing no fat. In addition, onions and greens contribute in splitting fats. Green vegetables h... Read >

24 Hour Diet Plan

This diet is very easy and helpful. You need only to follow this 24 hour diet plan and you will be able to see results on third day. It was recommended by one of my friends from Italy who got this 24 hour diet plan from her dietician; she lost 7 kg in fir... Read >

24 Hour Diet plan

This diet is very easy and helpful you need only to fallow this 24 hour diet plan and you will be able to see results on third day. It was recommended by one of my friends from Italy who got this 24 hour diet plan from her dietician; she lost 7 kg in firs... Read >

7 Days Grapefruit Diet Plan

Using this grapefruit diet plan you will be able to loose about 3-5 kg per week. This is a one week grapefruit diet plan and you can repeat it as long as you want.Grapefruit diet menu is full of vitamins and very healthy for your body it will add more ene... Read >

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