Monday, 24 June 2013

Weight Loss

For those of you interested in weight loss, exercising, dieting, and training, even sleep and stress patterns must all be taken into account. As far as exercise goes, muscle building is far more effective, in terms of weight loss than cardiovascular exercise. Exercise is an integral part of the process of weight loss, and weightlifting exercises are better than cardiovascular exercise in terms of weight loss because in weightlifting, fat is translated to muscle, where as in cardiovascular exercise, fat is melted away, so to speak! So, as regards weight loss, plan on squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and strengthening exercises.

For weight loss, as far as dieting goes, I have found the South Beach Diet to be quite effective for me. Weight loss requires mostly a “low carb” diet, where your focus is to eat certain kinds of “carbs” conducive to weight loss, versus others. It is also a very healthy way of eating that promotes weight loss, and as you can pretty much eat as much as you want, anytime, it is not a difficult weight loss diet to maintain in the long run. I do not actually cook any or all of the recipes listed in the book called “The South Beach Diet”, but I do eat the main ingredients of that diet regularly, for weight loss, and I stay away from potatoes, breads, and pastas. For weight loss, I use only low fat butters, sauces, etc. I have succeeded in weight loss in a very short amount of time, and I now maintain a regular, healthy, low fat diet. I also exercise minimally, and I will probably never be faced with having to go on a weight loss diet again. If so, I know how to lose weight very quickly!

In the practice of martial arts, and integral to weight loss, cardiovascular exercise, weight training, and even stretching are all integral parts of training. Aside from weight loss, I studied and practiced the martial arts when I was very young, and I was heavily influenced by Bruce Lee's works. Later, I competed in Tae Kwon Do, and weight loss was an integral part of competition fighting. My weight loss plan and fitness training was then based a lot on the same ideas that Bruce Lee had. I will now outline a simple and yet effective weight loss and exercise plan.

For weight loss, start with a “low-carb” diet, eating boneless/skinless chicken breasts, London broil, fish and shellfish, and very lean hamburger, for meats. Also for weight loss, for vegetables, only eat green and white vegetables...broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, and brussel sprouts are good choices for weight loss. Also for weight loss, do not eat fruits or desserts, etc...use only low fat butter or butter substitutes, egg substitutes, fat free cheeses and salad dressings, and next to no salt and pepper...for weight loss, if you are creative, you can make excellent dishes all the time, and eat as much as you want, whenever you want, and maintain your weight loss plan. Make sure to also stay away from breads and pastas, and sweets least for a time. For weight loss, you can gradually implement fruits, pastas, breads, and other things back into your diet after you have reached your target weight. Again, for weight loss, moderation with these things is the key! beer! For weight loss, best to enjoy “low-cal” alcoholic beverages in moderation. Red wine is the least fattening!

To drink otherwise? Lots of water is best!


Regarding weight loss, for an exercise program, plan to spend no more than thirty minutes once every several days. For weight loss, your muscles need time to heal, and to build muscle (thereby translating fat into muscle), and you will not experience soreness. For weight loss, exercising for short periods of time every several days, even in front of the television, is an easy enough program to maintain. For weight loss, and to tone or build muscle, exercise should be both fat burning and muscle building at the same time. Do many repetitions of each exercise, and as many sets as you can...for weight loss, you want to work your muscles and develop a “sweat”. Do your repetitions as close together as SLOWLY towards your weight loss goal! Weight loss, true fitness, and mastery in the martial arts requires long term and repetitive workouts.

Weight loss with a diet as suggested above, and a thirty minute exercise routine two to three times a week; a weight loss workout including squats, push-ups, and crunches, and/or any number of replacement exercises and routines will produce weight loss in anywhere from two weeks to thirty days - anywhere from seven to fifteen pounds of weight loss, honestly!

My own personal regimen for weight loss and exercise, unless I am practicing the martial arts, is simply several sets of leg squats, several sets of push-ups, and several sets of some stomach exercises such as sit-ups, or tummy crunchers...for weight loss, the list of available exercises for martial arts training, even Bruce Lee's own collection of exercises, is exhaustive! For weight loss, I do this thirty minute workout in front of the television every seventy-two hours or so...plenty, as I am no longer trying to execute an axe kick, and I am happy with my own weight loss!

A Bruce Lee workout often includes weight loss...a Bruce Lee workout includes stretching, bending, running, dipping, kicking, jumping, traditional muscle building exercises, weight lifting, rope skipping, medicine ball handling, etc. Even for weight loss, you would do well to read “Tao of Jeet Kune Do”, by Bruce Lee, as Bruce Lee studied almost all arts of combat, their weight loss programs, and their exercise programs, and included his suggestions in the above mentioned masterpiece.

What about weight loss and diet pills? It is really just speed, or caffeine, and suppresses the appetite. So, just do some cocaine, and you will experience considerable weight loss! (Pun intended!) For weight loss, diet pills, and especially cocaine, are not healthy for you, and they interfere with your sleep patterns. Besides weight loss, cocaine use has even more drastic side effects! Also, once the pill or drug is abstained from, the weight usually returns as the appetite is no longer suppressed.

In closing, if you want to succeed in weight loss, feel good, look tone or even muscular, adopt my version of the South Beach Diet, as a regular way of eating. For weight loss, begin with an exercise routine such as mine, and perhaps increase the length and severity of your workouts over time. Get plenty of sleep, vitamins and aspirin are helpful, and set about to work with your weight loss plan, chiseling the body you have always wanted for yourself...maybe we will see you in an upcoming Jackie Chan movie!

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