Saturday, 1 June 2013

Holistic Medicine and Women�s Health: Naturopathic Therapies Used to Treat PMS

PMS and PMDD Affect the health of Many Women

PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome and its severe cousin, PMDD, also called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, affect many menstruating women every month. No one knows for sure how many women have PMS, but I’m willing to bet everyone reading this has been affected personally; either by your own experience, or that of a friend, spouse, or coworker.

Women’s health Question #1: What is PMS?

There are over 200 symptoms associated with PMS, ranging from physical symptoms to out-of-control mood swings. The most common symptoms are bloating, headaches, food cravings (CHOCOLATE!), uterine cramps, headaches, breast tenderness, mood swings, irritability, and depression. To be considered PMS, these symptoms get worse the week or two before a woman’s period, and improve soon after menstruation begins.

Alternative Medicine and Holistic Therapy Can Help You Change the Way Your Feel!

Did you know if you suffer form severe PMS you don’t have to feel so badly? What so many women and their loved ones don’t realize is that PMS is not something to just suffer through, month after month. I know this from personal experience; I used to have horrible PMS, and I should probably take this moment to formally apologize to all who have had to deal with me in the past! I would be grumpy, then suddenly burst into tears (for no reason, of course), followed by lethargy and physical discomfort and finally intense irritability. I thought this was just the way life was, and that there was nothing that I could do but wait for menopause to release me from this monthly drama. But after applying some basic naturopathic and holistic health care principles, I now rarely experience PMS symptoms, and if I do, they are mild and not distressing.

Women’s Health Questions #2: What Causes PMS?

PMS is often a complex interplay of several factors that are unique for every woman. My answer to the question, “What causes PMS?” is, “It depends.” As a naturopathic doctor with a specialty in women’s health, I see many women on a daily basis with this condition, and I can say with confidence that every woman has a unique story, with individualized obstacles and holistic therapies that work best to restore balance and sanity to her world.

When I take an in-depth look at my patients, the most common culprits behind PMS include a poor or imbalanced diet, lifestyle factors (including smoking, stress, and lack of exercise), liver stagnation, less-than-ideal digestion, and hormonal imbalance. Rarely are all of the above present in every patient, and each patient may have a unique presentation of how these obstacles can be mediated.

The Importance of nutrition, Body Detoxification and Holistic Medicine: tips to Support Women’s Health

A few strategies that can help reduce the symptoms of PMS for many women include:

Tip 1. Exercise to raise your endorphin levels (it will help the mental and physical symptoms!)

Tip 2. Stress management and a healthy mental outlook

Tip 3. Take care of yourself! Get enough rest, learn to relax (yoga, meditation, etc.)

Tip 4. Eat MORE: Complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds), Fiber (vegetables, ground flax seed) and Soy products (tofu, soy milk)

Tip 5. Eat LESS: Simple carbohydrates (sugar, white bread), Saturated fats (especially red meat and dairy products), Salt (especially if your problems are bloating and breast tenderness) and Caffeine (coffee, soda)

Tip 6. Seek help from a professional. Many of my PMS patients have come to me because they felt overwhelmed and are grateful to have help sorting out all the options. It is essential to develop an individualized, holistic health plan. Individualized therapies such as homeopathy and herbal medicine can work wonders to restore balance and sanity in women with PMS.

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