Thursday, 6 June 2013

Various Types of Nutrition

Defining elements of nutritional food

The nutritional elements of food are important for the life and its survival. The nutritional elements are based upon carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibers, water, proteins, etc. Each and every quantity of nutrients is required accordingly the size and figures of the body. If you are very tall about 6 inch you would required an ample amount of nutritional elements of foods especially during the age of adolescents. On the other side, the small and short body would require the likely nutrients by the size and stomach of the body. Therefore, it is said that the nutritional elements of food are equally considered important for both men and women and it is supposed strongly that the nutritional elements are moreover required for those women who are pregnant and nearly to deliver the birth of a baby.

Descripting elements of nutritional food

The means of energy are the carbohydrates, fats, and protein for the human beings and they live accordingly. Carbohydrates contain four Calories of energy per gram. One gram of fat would give you nine Calories of energy. Molecules of carbohydrates as well as fats are consisted of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Proteins also restrain nitrogen atoms. So, the metabolism works fficiently and keeping the body healthy and smart. Today, I am going to discuss with you some of the important ingredients of nutrition which are as follows:

- Carbohydrates

They are based upon units of sugar which they restrain. Carbohydrates are graded as disaccharides, monosaccharides and polysaccharides. Carbohydrates would require a lower amount of water for the absorption, digestion and making up the most universal foundation of energy. As the body obtains the energy from fats and proteins the carbohydrates don't requires such an amount of energy and they are considered as the part of nutrients. Therefore, it is to say that arbohydrates are known as the 'Rich Foodstuffs' which contain the bread, rice, bean, and pastas.

- Fats

Fats contain greasy acids and glycerol. If a molecule of fat has carbon atoms connected to hydrogen atoms, it is called as a 'Saturated Fat'. On the other side, if a molecule of fat contains doubly the carbon atoms would be associated to each other of the hydrogen atoms, it would be known as the 'Unsaturated Fat'. Saturated fats are rock-solid whereas unsaturated fats are liquids. Fats fall into pieces developing fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty acid functions as a 'Dietary Need' whereas glycerol functions to generate the 'Glucose'. So, this keeps the fats in the body just like a storage function. But, it is to say that the fats are the major ingredients and nutrients of the body functioning against the certain sorts of viruses and diseases. They keep maintaining the body temperature and help the cells to work in a more refining way.

Fat acts as solvent for vitamins A, D, E and K. Body absorbs these all kinds of vitamins through the function of fats. Nuts, butter, cheese, oil, grease contains an ample quantity of fats. So, we can say that fats are responsible for keeping healthy body, skin, hairs, etc.

- Vitamins

Vitamins functions just like hormones. They normalize cell and tissue development. They are considered as crucial nutrients. There are various types of vitamins.

• Vitamin is generally called as retinal which plays an important role in the growth and development of the eyes. Its deficiency can lead you towards the night-blindness. The major mediums of vitamin A are carrots and cod liver oil.

• Vitamin B contains a lot of types such as B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Rice fiber is a main medium for vitamin B1 whereas B2 contain eggs. B6 plays an important role in improving the metabolism and it is quite sufficient for the immune and fertility function. B12 boosts the nervous tissues. The paucity of B6 and B12 can take you towards the severe condition of Anemia. The shortage of B9 in the pregnant women leads to birth deserts in children.

• Vitamin C is an antioxidant which maintains the gums and teeth. It enhances the iron quantity in the body and raises the immune system against the certain sorts of germs. Fruits, cabbage, citrus, pineapples and broccoli are the richest mediums of vitamin C.

• Vitamin D is obtained through the sunlight. This vitamin is helpful in absorbing the quantity of calcium and phosphate and it builds the bones and teeth.

• Vitamin E assists in removing the harms of vitamin A and C. Wheat microbe and green leafy vegetables are the richest sources of vitamin E.

• Vitamin k is helpful in promoting the functions of bones, kidneys, etc. It normalizes the process of blood clotting. Cabbage, spinach, lettuce and cauliflower are the biggest mediums of vitamin K.

- Minerals

Oyster shell is the natural medium of minerals such as iodized salt is used as a major mineral supplement. Phosphorous, calcium, magnesium are quite beneficial for the bones and overall body health. Potassium, sodium, iodine also play an important role just like the iron, zinc and many other useful nutritional minerals.

- Proteins

Meat, grains, eggs, and milk are the richest forms of proteins and they perform wonderfully for building the health and fitness.

- Fiber

The hard to digest portion of plant food composes nutritional fibers. They promote the digestive system of the body. Grain food, bran and celery are the rich mediums of fiber.

- Water

As we know that 70% of the human body is water. The human body needs 1-7 litter water on the daily basis and it is believe of the medical science that water is such a nutritional element which fulfills the deficiency of dehydration in the body.

Concluding remarks

If we talk about the science we would just say 'Nutrition'. Our all life depends upon the quantity and availability of nutrition as they keep our body healthy and fit and avoiding of the deficiency of any of the parts of the body.

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