Monday, 1 April 2013

How Does the PX90 Exercise Program Compare to the X90P Workout?

I get asked all the time about how I lost so much weight in such a short period of time. One summer I was hiding behind a T shirt in the pool, and the next I was ripped like Joe Fitness. For the record, the actual name of the workout program is P90X, but don't sweat it. I was probably half way through the program before I realized what it was actually called. Who really cares anyway? I do not care if you call it the PX90 exercise program or the X90P workout, because what matters is that I look and feel a whole lot better than I used to. It was an early February morning when I first saw the infomercial for P90X. I felt bloated and frustrated with the weight I recently gained, and finally accepted the fact that I needed to get myself back in shape. Thirty minutes later I decided I would commit the next 90 days to my health so I ordered the program.

One of the keys to success is how closely you follow the nutrition guide. Do this and you will get killer results. The nutrition guide has you look at food as a way to fuel your body through these workouts and keep you energized throughout the day. The nutrition guide gives you the choice to make your own meals using food categories, or you can use their meal plan with provides you with 90 days worth of meals. The nutrition guide has three phases and recommends you start in a high protein, low carbohydrate phases and end on the low protein, high carbohydrate phase. I do not think it is necessary to ever do the low protein, high carbohydrate phase. I am very familiar with the nutrition guide but at first it was confusing. I tell most people not to worry about the details and to simply focus on making healthy choices. Even Tony Horton says that most people should just concern themselves with avoiding foods that are heavily process and loaded with sugars, and to eat lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, and to find the spices that make them taste good.

When it comes to following the exercise video portion of the program, you are required to work out six days a week. You rotate days between body part resistance training and cardiovascular training. The videos were shot in a unique setting and are not staged like most fitness videos I was used to seeing. The people who were cast in the videos have actually completed the P90X program. There is a lot of emphasis on proper form, plus demonstrations of a variety of options for doing the exercises. As far as equipment goes, you can get away with as little as resistance bands, but in my opinion to get the most out of the program I think a pull up bar and adjustable dumbbells work best.

Lastly, Beachbody has a great online community filled with people who have gone through their programs and are there to help. I have never seen such a strong, encouraging community. The online forums are filled with expert advice, and people to keep you accountable to your results and who offer constant support, motivation, and guidance.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life, you have to give this program a try. It doesn't matter if you call it the px90 exercise program or the x90p workout program, because bottom line is it just works if you stick with it. Head over to my blog at and sign up to receive free coaching. You will also find valuable information explaining how you can save up to 25% off the purchase price.

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