Sunday, 14 April 2013

Tips On How To Reduce Stuttering (ex-stutterer shares own experience)

Hello everybody! I myself know how frustrating stuttering can be. Thanks to God, I never stuttered in my formative school years. My stuttering started only after 17, very lightly, and it was purely stress related. That time just two visits to a hypnotherapies helped ... for about 4 years. Then, at 21 I faced the remission, it happened after a tragedy in my life at that period of time. For almost a month stuttering was not just unbearable - I wasn't able to talk at all. I had to communicate via writing on paper even to my mom. Being shocked by this sudden speech disorder, in despair, I tried whatever was available: healers, speech therapists, medications. All these stutter- treatments reduced my stuttering, gradually to almost zero.

So, I was able to come back to my normal life, as at that stage stuttering was hardly noticeable... Then, after few years another remission took place on account of a very stressful marriage life. It became worse month by month. Then, after about 7 years I got divorced and I am now married again.

Even though stresses and relevant factors that are meant to increase stutter are no more, the stuttering has persisted. It showed no sign of disappearing, or even improvement. No matter what I tried..........

After much research on the internet I came across different methodic. I also found some anti-stuttering gadgets but didn't purchase any as they were too costly and I wasn't sure whether it was worthwhile to spend such an amount of money.

I therefore continued my search until I came across a Russian website also with an anti-stuttering gadget, similar functions but very reasonably priced. The price is very low since it is directly from the inventor and distributor. In anticipation I emailed him asking for more details etc. Then pretty soon, I was convinced enough to go ahead with the purchase, and I have never regretted it! This anti-stuttering gadget really helps - from the very first minute! Obviously it is not like a magic wand that cures immediately but, what is very important - it gave me confidence and so yearned-for control over my speech. Moreover it even helped to develop an expressive speech. Though certainly, like everything else, it needs time for total elimination. With the help of this device I slowly felt like a totally different person - a person who was not afraid to answer, to pick up a telephone receiver, even to initiate a conversation. It gives me real confidence! Due to the special slow and loud function, I can even feel proud of myself when I hear my own voice. I feel that everything is 'in my hands' and my responsibility.

As I've been explained by the inventor, he developed this anti-stuttering gadget for one of his family members, who is especially very dear to him. Then, in less than two years he was encouraged to introduce his invention to the public. Now the great healing effect of his anti-stuttering gadget has been medically proven and he has even begun an international project.

The speech-improving device Stutter Stop will help you to achieve your stuttering freedom and to develop beautiful impressive speech. Run by ex- stutterers. Real stuttering solution for people who stutter.

I also would like to share some tips on how to reduce stuttering. It will assist you to gain social skills & conversational ability!

1. Sing the words! Try to speak in a singing way or, at least, speak slowly!

2. Visualise! Try to visualise the letters of the word (one by one) you are going to say.

3. Speak on 'breathing out'!

4. Say 'letter' by 'letter'. The beginning of the words 'the words you feel you are going to get stuck with' try to say 'letter by letter' i.e. instead of saying the complete word "thanks" say 'th' 'a' 'nks'.

5. Try to chew something while speaking (sweets, gum etc.).

6. Whisper. Usually while whispering stutter is not so noticable.

7. Speak very LOUD. When shouting on "breathing out" stutter disappears.

8. Say a silent prayer (or any special formula for self-confidence) before you talk.

9. Everyday repeat many times every morning and every evening a phrase about your fluent speech (e.g. my speech is fluent and impressive. Everyday and everywhere I get better, better and better. I feel fantastic.

I would be glad to correspond with those who still have or had a stuttering problem - for feedback, tips, other ideas, etc.

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