When selecting a brand of Colostrum, you should be sure that it is collected within 24 hours of birth, as that is the time period in which Colostrum has the highest concentration of important immune and growth factors. For best results, Colostrum should not have been exposed to high heat pasteurization, which can cause damage to many of the contained proteins. Processing methods may vary between products, but it is always a good idea to confirm that the product you are purchasing is 100% free of growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. The Colostrum products recommended by ImmuneWellness.com are guaranteed to be free of these substances.
Some lactose-intolerant persons express significant concern about taking colostrum, because they are worried about having an allergic reaction. These concerns, however, are unfounded, as true Colostrum contains almost no lactose, and should not present a problem to even the most lactose intolerant people. You can be assured that Colostrum is completely safe to take, and does not have any major side effects or negative drug interactions.
When you being taking Colostrum, the obvious question would be how much you should take. The answer to this varies from person to person, but in general it is a good idea to begin by taking 2 - 4 capsules twice daily, then move to lower "maintenance" doses once the desired results have been achieved. If the benefits you have experienced diminish when moving to a lower dose, go back to your initial dosage.
Although very uncommon, some people have experienced a "healing incident" when they begin taking colostrum. Symptoms of this can include mild digestive problems or flu like symptoms. In general, you shouldn't worry about this as it is just a sign of the body healing and releasing toxins, and nearly always goes away within a day or two. If you experience any severe discomfort, you should stop taking Colostrum for a couple of days, then resume at a lower quantity, and slowly increase your intake until your reach optimum levels.
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