Nurturing your child with true values, imbibing good manners, and bringing out the best in your child is what you call as parenting your child. Let us not dream of making our child, a perfect human being with no negative points in him, in this big but not so perfect world. One has to have lots of patience while being a responsible parent to your child.
How to bring up your kids confidently?
Without confidence one can never achieve his goals. Success is never an on-going process, to face the hurdles in our day to day life, Confidence and a raring to go attitude through any odds, plays a key role.
· Never spank your child for some silly reasons. For example, soiling his clothes, after returning home from a good day’s play or messing up his toy room. Be patient while listening to his answers on the small wrong things he or she has done. Try to teach him the importance of neatness and cleanliness in a creative way. Give him compliments on the good things which he or she has done.
· Do not shout or insult your child in front of others for any minor mistake he has done. Maybe you will have to feel sorry for his mistake, but your outcry will curb his ability to do new creative things. Make him understand your anger from your face expression rather than loud reaction.
· Do not entertain your child with his unreasonable demands. But to make him understand this, do not try to give a picture of your financial constraints. Try to convince him, whether his demand is the need of the hour. If not then there is no hurry to go for it.
· Reward him occasionally for any good thing he does. Like solving a puzzle or a mathematics problem, reminding you of some important meeting or suggesting you with something which solves your query. Your child need not be rewarded with loads of gifts; small gestures will be really appreciated by your child.
Understanding the uniqueness of your child
It is easy following what one suggests you, but the question is whether it suits your child. Each child is unique by birth just like you are different from your neighborhood parents. Physically, physiologically and psychologically they are independent and so much so their needs. Terrorizing children in the name of disciplining them is unnecessary. Help them grow into responsible children.
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