Thursday, 31 January 2013

Jason Yun

What Sugar Does To Your Body

Raise your hand if you like sugar? If you are a dentist your hand just went up. And if you are like most Americans your hand went up, too. And that's a problem. A big one!With the United States facing an obesity epidemic the consumption of refined sugar d... Read >

Alcohol making me fat?

The basic premise in burning body fat and losing weight is this - burn more calories than what you have consumed. The rules are not that simple though. Everything that we eat contains calories such as protein, carbohydrates and fat. An important factor... Read >

Columbus Personal Trainer explains what to eat before bed

Don't eat after dark, it will make you fat. Carbs are bad after 6:00 pm. These are a couple of statements I've heard in the past about eating before bedtime. All meals are important. Skipping meals is not an option. Proper nutrition is needed all day, ... Read >

Completing Proteins For Added Lean Muscle Tissue

What is completing proteins, or complimentary proteins? You see, protein is comprised of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When a protein source that you eat has all of the essential amino acids that protein you eat goes towards... Read >

nutrition-747698.html" title="Read: What To Eat Before A Workout- Pre-Workout Nutrition">What To Eat Before A Workout- Pre-Workout Nutrition

Before I get into the what, I will first talk about the why? When you eat before a workout, at least a ½ hour, you ensure that the body will be fueled to last through the entire session. You wouldn't try and drive out of state on a ¼ of a tank would you... Read >

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