Saturday, 8 March 2014

Natural Health for Pets: Nutrition for Dogs, Cats and Birds

Pet health

Pets today suffer from allergies, skin problems, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, liver and kidney failure, and other serious illnesses. These conditions have been exacerbated by the tainted foods we feed our pets, and the lack of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients in their diets. Commercial grade pet foods may contain harmful additives and processed grains, instead of high quality proteins. These foods weaken the immune system, providing the environment for disease to gain a foothold.

Improving your pet's health is relatively simple. It is a matter of feeding your pets natural, whole foods, and ensuring a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients is achieved. I recommend the following basic diets for dogs and cats, try them and watch your best friend grow healthier and happier before your very eyes!

All animals

If you have the means to feed your pets organic foods and filtered water, please do so! Organic vegetables can be grown cheaply and with little effort in your own garden, and I’m sure there’s a GSW Class on how to do it, as well as the GSW Gardening Club.

The easiest way to prepare vegetables is to use the pulp left over from juicing. I like my carrot, apple, beetroot and celery juice in the mornings, and there are plenty of nutrients left in the pulp to keep the dog and the birds healthy as well! If you don’t drink juices (you should, they’re great for you!), you’ll need to use a food processor, as they should be chopped up quite finely.

For meat-eating pets, try to get game meats, as they are generally leaner and free of all the hormones and antibiotics that are present in commercially grown meats. Also keep in mind that diced meat is better than minced. Here in Australia, many pet shops sell frozen diced kangaroo meat in 1kg packs (and 15kg boxes) at very reasonable prices.

Always add a good colloidal or crystalloid vitamin and mineral supplement and some high-grade Omega 3 and 6 oils.

Aged garlic extract, various herbs, enzymes, spirulina, bee pollen and kelp can also be added either on a regular basis or as needed, to ensure the highest level of well-being for your pet.


Mix 1/3 raw vegetables (any except onions, which can be toxic to dogs), 1/3 cooked grains (white rice or pasta are acceptable, but whole grains or brown rice are preferable), and 1/3 raw meat. Add a splash of oil and serve - it’s that simple!

* Note that measurements are given as proportions rather than amounts, as serving sizes will vary considerably depending on the size of your dog.

Raw bones are also recommended once a day, especially marrowbone or kangaroo tails.


Unlike dogs, cats are almost exclusively carnivorous, and will do well on a meat-only diet. Give your cat raw meat, fish (whitebait is the perfect size for cats, and very inexpensive), or organic chicken. Feed in small portions twice a day, and remember to remove uneaten food before it spoils.

When allowed to go outside, cats will normally supplement this diet with herbs and grasses, which, apart from self-medicating, also supply nutrients that are not present in meat, such as chlorophyll. Therefore, it is especially important to supplement the diet of indoor cats who are not permitted to go outside with a good vitamin-mineral supplement.


Birds should always have a good mix of different grains and seeds as well as fresh water available. I also recommend giving birds some raw fruit and vegetables daily. It’s nice if you can give them some access to fresh grasses as well.

Some birds, especially parrots, will happily eat a whole apple or another fruit if you just cut it in half. Others need the fruit and veg to be chopped or pureed on the food processor. Be guided by what your birds like, but please, stick to foods that are naturally eaten by your species of bird!

Never give your chickens “layer pellets” as they are made with fish and meat meal – that is, ground up fish, cow and chicken bones – about as far from a natural diet as a chicken can get! Chickens’ diet should consist mainly of wheat, other grains and seeds, fruit and vegetables, grasses, any insects and worms they can capture. Look for “wild bird seed” in your supermarket – it’s great to mix in with their wheat and they love it! If you are able to let them out, even if for only a few hours a day, then do so! They will always return to their “coop” by sundown.

What now?

Whether your pet is healthy or has a health problem, try the natural diet recommended above first. Most animals will get better within a few weeks and will not need futher treatment. If problems persist, you can send me your questions and I will email you back (I try to respond to all emails) and also publish your question and my answer in the next article. Comments, follow up questions and pet status updates can be sent to You can also visit my website at

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