Thursday, 19 December 2013

What is the Difference Between a Loss Assessor and Loss Adjusters?

The role of a loss assessors and loss adjusters are often confused, but if you have suffered a loss and have to liaise with your insurance company you will soon know the difference.

Your insurance company will only pay out to you the smallest amount that they can, which is often not what you feel you deserve or need to rebuild your life and even your home. The reason that you often do not receive the settlement that you should is because unless you work in the industry, you are not able to handle making a claim as thoroughly as someone who is trained to would do.

If getting the best possible settlement in your insurance claim is paramount, then employing the services of a loss assessor to deal with your claim and insurance company can be the difference between getting the money that you need and what the insurance company believes that you deserve.

Although the names of a loss assessor and a loss adjuster are very similar, their roles are very different and it is worth understanding this before you proceed with your insurance claim.

To explain, a loss adjuster works for your insurance company. They make sure that the terms of your policy are followed and they work with the insurance company to come up with the amount that is payable to you in reflection of the loss suffered.

A loss assessor works for you and only you and guarantees your claim will have a favourable and successful outcome. A loss assessor is paid only when your claim goes through and their take is a small percentage of the overall sum.

A loss assessor will make sure that the claim gets the attention that it deserves. The work that a loss assessor does can be the difference between the compensation that you need to deal with your loss and the minimum that your insurance company is prepared to pay out to you.

The main job that a loss assessor performs is to negotiate your claim with your insurance company, making sure that the claim is given the attention that it deserves and that you are advised on the legalities of your claim throughout the process. If a loss assessor deals with making your claim, your insurance company is more likely to attach more weight and seriousness to your claim.

Employing a loss assessor to proceed with your claim can make all the difference in the world, especially if your claim needs a priority status due to the nature of your circumstances.

If your insurance compensation is going to be the difference between you moving forward with your life and rebuilding a business or home, then dealing with your insurance company on your own can be like going into battle. Having someone on side, who understands the way that an insurance claim works if often a blessing and makes the process much easier and less stressful than it would be if you were dealing with the claim on your own.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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