Tuesday, 7 October 2014

How High-Carb Diet Plans Treat Carbohydrates

A number of popular diets are focused on carbohydrates. Some demonize them. Then warn you against eating any carbohydrates. Others in fact, emphasize a high carbohydrate intake. Here is how high-carbohydrate diet plans treat carbohydrates. (Such as Ornish, Pritikin, and Food for Life)

For years you've been hearing that eating a healthy diet. Means cutting back on the total amount of fat. While eating more complex carbohydrates. Thousands of "low-fat" alternatives now crowd your supermarket shelves.

But is simply cutting back on fat. Then loading up on carbohydrates a healthy way to eat or to lose weight? Current research suggests that it isn't. Just like researchers have learned that not all types of fat are bad. They have also discovered that not all types of carbohydrates are good for you.

It's easy for you to fall into a low-fat trap. Gram for gram. Fat has more than twice as many calories as either protein or carbohydrates. Then it seems logical that choosing low-fat products will help you with your weight loss. However, all too often the low-fat products on supermarket shelves are packed with sugar. And highly processed carbohydrates. Making up for the taste that's lost when fat is removed.

These low-fat alternatives often contain just as many calories as the full-fat versions. Some may even have more! Another problem is that you mistakenly think that because a food is low in fat. You can eat as much of it as you want without gaining any weight.

As far as your body is concerned. Calories are calories. No matter where they come from. Eat too many calories (whether from fat, carbohydrates or protein) and you'll gain weight period.

Aside from weight loss. The popularity of low-fat food has broader implications for your health. Commercially prepared low- fat foods tend to be rich in highly processed carbohydrates. Thus causing big spikes in your blood sugar level. Over time this can increase the chances of you developing heart disease and diabetes.

For example, in a study of 80,000 nurses. Harvard researchers calculated that replacing a given number of calories from polyunsaturated fat. With an equivalent number from easily digested carbohydrates. Increased the risk for heart disease by over 50 percent.

Some other studies have found that a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Particularly one high in sugars. Can worsen your blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Both of which are risk factors for heart disease.

You can minimize or avoid any diet deficiencies associated with high-carbohydrates diets. When you approach your high- carbohydrate diet as an integrated part of your *-lifestyle-*, not solely an ingredient focus.


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Monday, 6 October 2014

Nutrition Myths

You can get all the nutrition from your supermarket (or from the infamous four food groups). If you believe this, you are a candidate to buy a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge.

First, let's destroy that myth of the "four food groups". If that were indeed true, a meal at Burger King would be "nutritious". No serious observer believes this - but it has all 4 food groups. Would you believe that this absurd FFF (four food fictions) is STILL being taught in medical schools and nutritionist courses in all too many colleges? (Nutritionists are those wonderful people who give you those "delicious" meals in schools, prisons, and hospitals. Need I say more about this?)

Next, why can't we just eat healthy foods from our supermarket? Need a few reasons?

1. Fruits and veggies are picked green and artificially ripened with chemicals. These same fruits and veggies are sprayed with insecticides that are also deadly to us humans. We do accumulate these, albeit slowly, and it takes additional nutrition to help our bodies get rid of these chemicals.

2. Many growing areas in the US are overworked and many more are more than a bit deficient in minerals needed for nutrition, and taste. You can easily prove this - just try growing your own tomatoes, or even getting them fresh from some of the local fruit stands. Bite into it - If the juice and seeds don't squirt 3-4 feet, it's not really picked ripe. AND THE TASTE! Not at all the same as those blobs of red plastic you get from the supermarket. In Florida, zinc has to be added to fertilizers to grow oranges. Milk from Florida cows contain no zinc.

3. Food animals are fed hormones to increase their weight. These hormones are illegal for athletes to use, but legal for farmers. If that's not bad enough, consider this - about half of all antibiotics in the US are used in food animals. I lived in Puerto Rico some years back, and when I found out about the very high level of penicillin in the milk. my kids stopped getting milk. Most of the cows there are tuberculin. Nice hey?

This factor of antibiotic use in our food is one of the prime factors facing us with bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics are way overused and even abused by the medical profession as well as by food producers

In cows, pigs, and sheep, the hormones and antibiotics and other chemicals ingested by these animals is found largely in fatty tissues. (From cows that browse along highways, high levels of lead - from lead additives to gas - were found. This is why bone derived calcium is still not too good in the good old USA.). As we eat these meats, we get these chemicals as well. How do we get rid of them - well, it takes extra vitamins and minerals to excrete them.

4. Chickens are no longer the chickens our grandparents knew. Now, they're grown to "eating" size in a small cage, fed a "scientific" diet - not for nutrition - but for fastest growth. This results in much more fat and much more chemical input in this fat. When my wife and I were cruising around the Caribbean, and getting food in native markets, the difference in taste amazed us. It was not only the chicken, but also the beef and pork. It was often gotten from a shack with a dirt floor, and there were flies everywhere, but I know that it was much healthier (and tastier) for us than what we are now getting from our supermarket. The taste difference was marked, and the lack of fat was noticeable.

There have been many "disturbing" reports about cancerous growths and tumors in chicken and turkeys grown in these "factories". In addition, it seems that the automatic pluckers get chicken feces into the machinery, and both of these are passed on to us, the lucky (???) consumers.

5. Any scientist or even any knowledgeable person in the US can tell you that our environment is being poisoned by the chemicals we are putting into it. Our air, our water, and our soil are not even close to what it was 100 years ago. All of these chemicals are getting into our bodies in ever increasing amounts, and it takes ever increasing amounts of vitamins and necessary minerals to excrete them.

6. White bread and "Enriched" flour. This is one of the biggest jokes of all on us consumers. When steel rollers were invented around the turn of the century, the wheat germ and the fiber casing were removed. (It was then thought that fiber was not necessary to health because it wasn't absorbed. That‘s just another scientific stupidity.) This resulted in very white flour that was prettier and easier for housewives to use. A couple of problems became apparent - the lack of several vitamins actually caused several deficiency diseases in people who were eating it. Anemia and schizophrenia were probably the worst, but there were others. The US government looked into it and decided that the wheat people had to add back a "few" items to reduce this problem. So, they added back iron, and 3 of the B vitamins. The advertising folks couldn't admit that white bread had been "poisoning" the consumers, so they added the beautiful word "enriched" to this flour. Isn’t advertising wonderful? It sells garbage as good!

This "new" white flour removed over 40 vitamins and minerals very necessary to our health. They added back in only minimum amounts of the 4 "most" needed ones. That's the equivalent of robbing a man of his clothes in a blizzard, and handing him back his tie, thereby "enriching" him!

7. Sugar and processed foods. In 1900, the average intake of sugar was about 5-6 pounds per year per person. Today, that number is well above 200 pounds. In that same 1900, there were few "processed foods". What was eaten was grown fairly near, and eaten in season. Today, the supermarket is loaded with processed foods. Just look at a few labels!! Read the list of the chemicals in almost every food on the shelf!

These are only the most important reasons for taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Remember that to get rid of these accumulating chemicals, we need increasing amounts of vitamins and minerals, but because of some of the above factors, we are getting less and less. Maybe, those people who lived in 1900 could get their nutritional needs better satisfied from their foods, but only a fool would believe it today. (I doubt that they got enough either.)

Megavitamins are dangerous (and/or toxic). More nonsense that simply isn't true. Of course, vitamin A in very huge doses can be toxic, but it's pretty difficult to get that much vitamin A by accident. Most adults can tolerate up to 25,000 IU per day for several days, and even if too much is taken over a long period, the symptoms are pretty clear and obvious (yellow skin, eyes, jaundice like).

Some MD's (without much vitamin knowledge) heard that B6 can cut down PMS symptoms, and prescribed it for patients. Their patients came back after months with some different symptoms. Then, some MD's put out papers calling B6 "toxic". What every knowledgeable practitioner knows about the B complex is that it works together, and large amounts of any one MUST be balanced somewhat with a minimum of the rest. Another case of not knowing enough! Generally, you can take huge amounts of most B vitamins without any effects as long as you take sufficient amounts of the rest of the complex. It’s much more dangerous to your health to take too much calcium or some of the other minerals.

Do you (and yours) need vitamin and mineral supplements? The answer is a resounding YES. Just because you feel pretty healthy is no reason to forego them. If you want to say healthy, you'll get on them, and stay on them. Remember this - You are what you eat.

Cholesterol Myths. All the media hype about cholesterol makes it an "enemy", which is just not so. Cholesterol is a fat that's a precursor to several hormones necessary to life. As a matter of fact, sunlight on the skin changes cholesterol into vitamin D. So, without cholesterol, we're in serious trouble.

So, if cholesterol is "good" what's the entire hullabaloo about? Well, it seems that some researchers found that high levels of cholesterol in the blood correlate to high incidence of heart problems. Also, artery plaque is composed of cholesterol (and other fats) along with calcium. Many medical researchers immediately "jumped" to the conclusion that cholesterol was "bad". Lots of articles came out in various magazines written by so-called medical "experts". The upshot was that foods that contain cholesterol were "banned" by many MD's. These included eggs, butter, cheeses, and meats. (A British research paper that showed people eating 6 eggs per week had lower cholesterol levels than those that ate none was ignored by most AMA "experts")

Once upon a time, there was a cardiac specialist MD who had high levels of cholesterol. He also had a family history of heart problems (a good reason to go into cardiac specialty just as some psychiatrists and psychologists go into their professions because of personal problems.)

He stopped eating any cholesterol-laden foods, and continually tested his HDL and LDL levels. He was very surprised to find that his cholesterol didn't drop. He was a bit smarter than most, and he did more research, and found that 80% of the cholesterol in the blood is manufactured in the liver, and is NOT derived directly from the cholesterol in food. And, that's not a fairy story!! So, if the liver makes it, why does it go high?

To understand this, you need a bit more information. When you eat something, it is broken down into very small bits in order to pass thru the intestinal walls. Protein is broken down into individual amino acids, starch is broken into various sugars, and fats are broken down into various fatty acids. An egg is broken down into all the essential amino acids needed for humans, some small sugars, and some fats which include cholesterol.

Next, let’s look at sugar which is the real culprit. When starches are broken down into sugars, they in turn, are changed to glucose, which the body needs for energy. Once the glucose is in the blood stream, it is literally forced into all cells in the body by insulin.

If you are running a marathon, your body uses it as energy. BUT, if you are watching TV, you don't need much energy, so the cell converts this into "future" energy by changing it into a fatty acid, and ejects it back into the bloodstream. Depending on several factors, this fatty acid can be any combination of three basic types. (The term "triglycerides" means 3 fatty acids.)

Now, the liver "sees" this triglycerides level rising, and it starts to use some of these to make cholesterol in order to "balance" these levels. This is why high cholesterol levels are linked to high triglyceride levels.

At the turn of the last century, the average person in the US ate 5-10 lbs of sugar PER YEAR. Today, it's up to over 200 lbs a year. If you want to correlate things, correlate this - in Africa among poor persons who eat a diet literally free of sugar, there is NO diabetes, NO occluded arteries, inn fact, NONE of our "civilized diseases". If these "poor" persons are "helped" to eat a modern diet full of sugar, they develop all these diseases. Now, that's a real correlation.

There's another correlation that I use as an analogy. People who drive older used cars have lower cholesterol than people who drive new luxury cars. The moral - don't drive a new luxury car! Of course, it has nothing to do with the car, but the correlation is generally true simply because the people who drive a luxury car eat more sugar laden (high carbohydrate) diets. It's the same thing with foods containing cholesterol. (Another might be drawn about poorer families, including blacks that develop better athletes!) Is sugar a real enemy? You make up your own mind. I'm addicted to it, and so are most of the people I know.

Eggs are not eaten by millions of people because the medical profession in its usual wrong-headedness trumpeted that correlation, and the media made it worse (also as usual). In fact, eggs are the most perfect food for humans. Measured on a scale of 100, eggs rate 99.99, and all other foods only reach 98 or less. Eggs actually contain lecithin, another fat that actually lowers cholesterol. (Remember the dieter who drinks a diet soda with his doughnut so it doesn't count. Not quite the same!)

A study in England, reported in the Lancet, 25 or so years ago, found that persons who ate 6 eggs per week had lower cholesterol than persons who ate none. Several studies have also shown that persons who eat butter live longer and better than those who eat margarine. Margarine has nickel (used to make oils into fats), trans-fatty acids, and it has close to the same fatty acid content as butter. Isn’t it interesting that lately scientists are also coming to the same conclusions?

I personally eat eggs 3-5 times per week, and we use only butter in our house. We try to only eat whole wheat bread, and/or whole wheat cereals. Of course, I also take even more than the recommended vitamin/mineral supplements, and that undoubtedly helps me. From all the research I've done and read, that's one man's educated opinion, you make up your own mind.

The above is covered in much greater detail in my book “The Health Revolution” that can be downloaded free from my website.

>"Cookie Cutter" Low Carb Diet Plans Explained

Most diet plans, including low carb diet plans are best taken with a grain of salt, because although one may work for your best friend, it may not work for you. For those with serious weight problems and have co-existing issues such as hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) or like some of us hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels) etc., the popular diet plans usually will not be able to cater to individual needs. We are all individuals and as such we need to feed ourselves as individuals, having said this some diet plans will be more beneficial for the general population that others.

To assess which particular diet plan will be beneficial, you can follow these guidelines. They are very much common sense points, and provide a good framework which many nutrition professionals would broadly follow, and within which you can divide the scammy diet plans from those that can offer you safe and healthy diet ideas.

Diet offers sufficient balance and a variety of carbohydrates, protein and fats.

Diet does not exclude one particular food group, and encourage excessive consumption of another.

Diet encourages exercise to complement sensible eating habits.

Diet encourages awareness of portion sizes.

Diet does not encourage unrealistic quick weight loss.

Diet is backed up with medical research data.

In addition to these points, I've broadly outlined the low carb diet plans, which seem to be occupying the minds of dieters and researchers alike, as well as the research for and against pertinent to the low carb diet plans.

Low Carb Diets

A lot of the diet plans these days center around the low carb diet plans. These low carb diet plans are considered by some diet fads, others consider it the new wave in healthy eating. Diets such as The New Atkins Diet Revolution maintain that obese people are insulin sensitive and carbohydrates make them gain weight. Low carb diet plans such as The Zone lay down specific proportion of carbohydrates, protein and fats that should be consumed in order to lose weight and while fats are reduced, the main source of energy comes from the consumption of protein.

Low carb diet plans such as Sugar Busters, believe that sugar is your body’s most heinous weight loss enemy and since carbohydrates are the foods that are processed into sugars – carbohydrates should be limited. The Scarsdale Diet also is a low carb, high protein diet and offers a 2 week crash dieting plan.

Popular diets such as the South Beach Diet and the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet are also low carb diet plans that have become popular with dieters who have tried and failed at the Atkins diet. All these diets see themselves as the worlds answer to the obesity problem.

To be fair, there are significant and many research papers that support and argue against the low carb revolution, as yet the wider medical community has not fully made it’s mind up as to whether the diets are something that is favourable in the long term.

Recent research by Layman et. al., and Saris have found that the low carb and high protein diets provide little benefit to dieters. Researchers found that when protein was moderately increased and carbohydrates proportionately decreased, insulin levels stabilised but no significant weight was lost. Saris in his review concluded that it is probable that a low carb, high fat diet will increase the likelihood of weight gain.

While there is a lot of evidence against the low carb philosophy, there is also a lot of evidence to support it. Research published in May, 2004, found that when patients on a low carb diet were compared with patients on a low fat diet, those patients who had consumed a low carb diet had a greater weight loss, decreased triglyceride levels and increased levels of HDL's - in other words their cholesterol levels had improved. To put the icing on the cake research has just been published to support the long term efficacy of eating a low carb diet.Despite the evidence to support low carb diet plans, mainstream medicine still does not recommend them. The main points of contention with the low carb, high protein diets is that they don’t offer balance and variety and could prove dangerous for people at risk of heart disease. Particularly with low carb diet plans such as the scarsdale diet, they are not realistic and cannot be maintained in the long term causing yo-yo dieting and no one wants that ! References:

Wim HM Saris Sugars, energy metabolism, and body weight control Am J Clin Nutr 78: 850S-857S

Donald K. Layman, Harn Shiue, Carl Sather, Donna J. Erickson and Jamie Baum Increased Dietary Protein Modifies Glucose and Insulin Homeostasis in Adult Women during Weight Loss nutrition.org

Yamashita T, Sasahara T, Pomeroy SE, Collier G, Nestel PJ. Arterial compliance, blood pressure, plasma leptin, and plasma lipids in women are improved with weight reduction equally with a meat-based diet and a plant-based diet. Metabolism. 1998 Nov;47(11):1308-14.

Yancy WS Jr, Olsen MK, Guyton JR, Bakst RP, Westman EC. A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2004 May 18;140(10):769-77. Copyright © 2004 Jenny Mathers. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Household Budget Tips

Americans get more and more in debt each year. Debt begins to pile up from credit cards and loans. This high interest debt can quickly turn into a seemingly insurmountable problem forcing you to live from paycheck to paycheck. The tips listed below will help you stop the urge to splurge and enable you to actually start saving money every month.

* Create a monthly budget and stick to it. This way you can keep track of where your money is actually going and apply it to where it is needed. Putting the numbers down on paper will show you just where all your money is going!

* Keep a journal for a week of everything you spend money on. Keep a running tally of how much you spend for a week. Then multiply this times twelve and you have your total for roughly three months.

* Get your last three months of pay stubs and determine your average monthly income by adding the totals, after taxes, together. Then gather three months of bills, add them up and divide by three to calculate your monthly fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities and phone, car payment, insurance and student loan payments. Add together three months of other monthly expenses, including groceries, clothing, credit card expenses, medical bills and the total from your weekly journal above. Divide by three and add the result to your monthly expense total.

* Evaluate your expenses. What can you cut back on? That morning cup of coffee can be skipped if you make your own at home. Small priced expenses add up and burden us. Choose one or two things you can skip from your journal and then add one item to the list every week.

* Make more meals at home. Take-out is not only fattening, but it is expensive. Pack your own lunch to take to work. Make meals ahead of time and freeze them if you don't have time to cook a dinner every night. Keep in mind that not every meal needs to be a feast. Have a salad, sandwich, or other small meal for dinners, instead of the five-course meal.

* Set up a savings plan such as a passbook account, certificate of deposit (CD) or individual retirement account (IRA), and begin making regular deposits. Check with your local bank to see what the best option is for you.

* Cut up all credit cards except one (you need one for emergencies). Transfer all credit card debt to that one card (make sure it’s the card with the lowest interest!). One bill is easier to manage, especially at low-interest.

* Overpay your minimum credit card payments as much as possible. A good rule to follow is to add whatever your interest fee is for the month to your minimum payment. This way you will be paying on top of your interest and your balance can actually go down instead of just being marginally affected.

* Realize that things come up in life that are completely unexpected and unplanned for. Car problems or health problems can and will occur at the moment you think you’re ahead. Keep plugging away at debt and stick to your budget as much as possible.

* Watch less T.V. (no home shopping channels) and no buying online, no catalogs. All of these increase the temptation to spend your hard-earned money!

* Buy generic, clip coupons, pinch those pennies!!! (roll them, too!)

* Cook large amounts of food at a time from scratch, as well as several different meals. Pre-packaged stuff costs a lot more and it's not as healthy, anyway. Freeze portions for meals later, during the week or when things in the pantry are scarce. This will also save time, and energy.

* Grow your own! Create a garden! Not only is it fun for the whole family, you can save a lot of money on food.

Once you have paid off most of your debt, you will begin to feel more in control and can start pooling more of your money into savings, college and retirement funds. Try to have an emergency fund that could carry your household for at least two months in case your income stops. That way, your debt will not begin to pile up again.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Diet Plans And Menus - The Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet, also called the Life Choice Diet, was created by Doctor Dean Ornish. He is widely known for his lifestyle-driven approach to controlling coronary artery disease (CAD). This is a vegetarian diet rich in fiber and complex glucides. It provides quite a low level of cholesterol. Fats represent at most 10% of the foods consumed. The changes you make in your eating habits are destined to last a lifetime. Here are some of the diet principles.

You should put the accent on legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains. Eat the following in moderation: salt, low-fat dairy products, low-fat processed foods, and coffee without cream. Avoid the following: meat, poultry, fish, oils, dressings, sugar and sugar derivatives, alcohol, avocados, nuts, olives, and regular dairy products. Exercise regularly at a medium intensity level. Doing so may reduce your appetite and consequently help you lose weight. Serving size is unrestricted; you may eat until you are full. Adopt a more spiritual attitude. According to Doctor Ornish not consuming certain foods renders mealtime more spiritual. This diet also suggests meditation, said to have many positive effects.

The Ornish Diet claims to lower the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure. An advantage is its simplicity, only a few foods are excluded. On the other hand this diet is poor in essential fatty acids. The absence of fish and oils removes their positive effects on the cardio-vascular system.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1

Breakfast: Two slices of whole grain bread. Two teaspoons of light jam. Orange juice. Coffee or tea.

Lunch: Mushroom polenta with bell peppers. Bell peppers stuffed with rice and black beans. Garlic bread. Green salad. An apple.

Supper: Wild rice. Braised endives. Tomatoes provencales. Green salad.

Menu 2

Breakfast: A carrot muffin. Skimmed cottage cheese. Half a cantaloupe. Coffee or tea.

Lunch: Alfalfa, tomato, and roasted bell pepper sandwich. Red bean and celery salad. Potatoes in their jackets. Green salad. 2 kiwis.

Supper: Vegetable soup. Spinach ravioli. Green salad. Baked potato.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is available only in French at present.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Tips on Flirting With Women - Score With Women With These Flirting Tips

Do you wish to know the most effective ways on flirting with women? Are you sick of reading the signals wrong and jumping in too soon or too late? You have come to the right place to find a few fundamental tips on women and their body language.

Knowing when to act and how to act should be your ultimate goal when flirting with women. If you flirt too obviously you may just lose her, and if you don't give her a hint that you're interested then she will move on, don't test her.

In order for you to realise if she is interested you can see several hints from the way she holds herself. Does she move her fingers through her hair a lot? This is trying to get your attention. Hair is a sacred thing to women. Does she open her legs? Research has revealed that his can mean she is thinking about sex, consciously or not, it's a sign.

Another key sign you can check out is her lips. Does she rub them, put lipstick on, or lick them often? If so this could be a habit, but it is more likely a sign for you to look at them and possibly kiss them!

Finally, there is the eye contact. Is she looking at you? Does she make constant glances at you? Or, if you look at her, does she have a tendency to look back at you? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then most likely she is interested in you and you should proceed with flirting.

The best tone of voice when flirting is to be playful, tell a joke and speak in a happy, funny tone. Don't get too serious as this will offend and scare the woman off. The best way into a woman's heart is to comfort her. You need to be flirting all the time in life to perfect it, but see it as fun, not a chore.

Once you get to the point of getting her phone number, you do not want to appear to beg your way into getting her number. She is not going to give you her number and change her mind about how she feels about you just because you are pleading your case. The last thing you want to do is appear desperate and needy. While you were flirting, you appeared to a fun and interesting guy, acting the opposite way will convey the wrong message to her.

The best advice you can take from this article is to have fun and be relaxed when flirting with women.

If you would like to learn how to master the art of flirting and be able to attract ANY type of woman, then waste no more time and visit my website to get your hands on my FREE report that has has helped thousands of men attract beautiful women with relative ease.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Internet Explorer Tips That Can Improve Your Web Surfing Experience

Here are best internet explorer (Version: 6.0) tips that can improve your web surfing experience. Using these tips you can browse the web faster & safer.

View pages offline -When you want to view pages offline at your convenience put the pages in your favorite list.

Steps for customize cookies:

1. Connect to the internet and access the page.
2. Click Favorites on IE.
3. Add to Favourites.
4. In the name field enter a name of the page or default name.
5. Create a new folder or select a folder that already created.
6. Click “Make available offline” check box
7. Click ok
8. To access the page when you are offline, click Favorites.
9. From the drop down menu click the folder & select the title of the page

Cookies -Cookies are small test files that some web sites store on your hard disk.

Use of cookies: Alert you to the new content, store certain registration information, and customize the site. Note: Some sites may store cookies to use your personal information without your consent. So, you can customize your browse settings to allow cookies from only those sites that you consider safe.

Steps for customize cookies:

1. Click tools
2. Click internet options
3. Click privacy tab
4. Move the slider to set privacy level for the Internet Zone. There are three level High, Medium, and Low. We recommend medium level suitable for most of users. Medium level check internet sites for a privacy policy, compare privacy policy to my preference, allow all websites to use cookies, do not allow unsatisfactory third parties to use cookies, and compatible with most websites.

Access recently visited website without typing URL –If you want to access a recently visited site again, click the down arrow at the right of the address box and select web address from the drop down window.

You also access recently visited site again, typing a few words of the address. Internet Explorer automatically drops down the window with a list of web address that matches the typed words. Select the URL from the list and Press Enter.

Cache Size –Browser temporarily stores pages on your hard disk called the cache. If page is available in the cache internet explorer picks pages from cache instead of the remote web server. Therefore you can increase the size or the cache for store more pages in it. It helps when you re-access certain pages they display faster.

Steps for increase cache size:

1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click settings button
4. Drag the “Amount of disk space to use” slider to the right on settings dialog box.
5. Click the “Automatically” radio button under check for newer versions of stored pages. Selecting “Automatically” radio button IE automatically checks that the version of page in the cache and the server are the same.
6. Click Ok.

Set Internet Explorer Start with a blank page or a different page.

Steps for setting Blank page:

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Internet Options.
3. Home page frame, Click use blank button. Address field fills with the text “about: blank”. Click Apply Button.

If you want to open your favorite web page every time internet explorer opens (for example: http://www.google.com). Type the URL of web page in the address field and click apply button.

Restrict Bad Sites –Steps for restricting some bad sites accessing from your computer.

1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click the Security Tab
4. Click the “Restricted Sites” icon
5. In the “Restricted Sites” dialog box, type the url of sites you want to add to the restricted zone.
6. Click Add. Click Ok.

Use of History Button –History button helpful to access a site you have visited week or two weeks ago.

1. Click History Button.
2. In the History panel, click week of your choice. IE lists the entire site you have access that week.
3. Click the site URL, title of the page you browsed displays.
4. From the list, click a title to display the page.

You can also search pages from history list.

1. Click Search Box in the History Panel
2. Type the words/phrase
3. Click the Search Now button.

Browser Secure –You can increase security of your browser to prevent unauthorized access to your login, credit card and other personal information.

Steps for increasing security of web browser:

1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click Advanced tab
4. In setting window, Under security category
5. Click the check box of your choice to enable the security options they represent.
6. You should enable Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 Options.

Graphics Settings –Simple steps for faster accessing web pages is that don’t auto load graphics.

1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click Advanced tab
4. In settings window, Under Multimedia category clears the “show pictures” check box. You also clear the “play sounds” and “play video” check box for stopping the playing audio and video in the web pages. It takes more time to download.

Using above all tips makes better use of your internet Browser.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Product Positioning - 4 Differentiation Tips

Here are 4 product positioning tips to differentiate your business.

Luckily, it’s not all that hard to stand out from the crowd, as long you realize the importance of product positioning. Positioning is the art of matching your marketing message, with the desires, feelings, & beliefs of the particular type of customer that you know you can service better than anybody else. You make yourself "visible" as the kind of business this individual would naturally be attracted to.

Why would I say that it’s not that hard?

Well, you really don’t have to look very far to see that effective product positioning is about as common as caviar at a McDonald’s outlet. Just look in the yellow pages, look on the net, and you’ll soon see what I mean.

It’s more of the same old same old, look at us were #1 for pricing, service & selection nonsense. It’s just meaningless drivel. Anyone can say these things & everyone does, & I ask you this.

Are you guilty of spouting these "buy from us for no apparent reason" platitudes? Don’t feel guilty if you are. Just take these product positioning tips to heart.

What happens when everybody in your industry says the same thing? Customers don’t know how to tell the difference between one product & another, so they make their decision based on price. And everybody loses. The customer doesn’t get the product that best fits their needs. You don’t make nearly as many sales as you could, and those that you do make, are at less margin than you would like.

Listen, if you can just get the principle that I’m about to reveal hammered into your head, you’ll have more business than you can handle, and you won’t worry about having to undercut the competition.

That sounds pretty good doesn’t it?

Here’s the secret. Just take the time to communicate, clearly, specifically, & thoroughly why you‘re different & how that difference makes a difference in your customer’s perception of his or her life. Such a simple concept, but so rare, it can’t help but differentiate you.

You see, people really don’t buy on price at all. They buy on value. If they bought a cheaper product, it’s because you didn’t demonstrate the value of yours. Admittedly, there is a certain percentage of the market that is best served by an inferior low end product, but this segment is much smaller than it appears. More often than not, people cannot differentiate, buy based on price, & live to regret it. This is a crying shame, & were not going to stand for it much longer, are we?

As you absorb this material you will become intimate with the following 4 product positioning principles that will set your business apart.

*** Unique Selling Proposition

Something unique, that you have to offer. Not necessarily entirely unique. You can appear unique by simply packaging your product or service in a unique way. For example, a lawyer, might advertise flat rate incorporation, and attract a lot of customers because the market fears the open ended legal bill. In reality, it is all of the other "back end" services that come about as a result of incorporation that generate incorporation revenues. But who do you think will end up getting more of that lucrative business, the flat rate USP savvy attorney, or Mr. Conventional?

*** Risk Reversal

Differentiate yourself with outrageously bold guarantees, that you're competition don't have the guts for. Most people are genuinely honest, and if your service is what you say it is, you've got nothing to worry about. The increased sales volume will be well worth it.

*** Inordinate Value

Leverage your advertising, by offering to let complimentary businesses come along for the ride, in exchange for a free sample of their wares. Then bundle those into your offering. Cut the right deals, & your offer will appear "irresistible", compared to your competition.

*** Clear, Complete, & Concise Customer Education

Here's were most advertisers fall down, and you can stand head & shoulders above the crowd. Tell your full story. Don't make people try to figure out on their own why they should be doing business with you. Spell it out for them.

Spend some time thinking deeply about these product positioning ideas, and how you can use them to your advantage. Your market share is predicated on how well you assimilate them, & apply them to the promotion of your business.

Copyright 2005 Daniel Levis

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Diet Plans And Menus - The Eat Your Colors Diet

The Eat Your Colors Diet was created by Marcia Zimmerman, a nutritionist. This diet is associated with Ayurvedic medicine, a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent whose components include herbs, massage, and yoga. As you may guess from its name, food colors play a major role in this diet. The accent is placed on yellow, red, and green foods.

According to Ayurvedic medicine and this diet, individuals belong to one of three groups, Vata (yellow), Pitta (red), and Kapha (green). Each group is associated with a distinct body type and personality type. For example, Kaphas don't talk a lot and tend to store excess weight on their butt. Each group has a different list of foods to privilege and foods to avoid. For example, Vatas should avoid caffeine and excessive alcohol while Pittas should avoid lamb, duck, and several other foods. The list of foods to privilege is really complicated; it is broken down into colors; it varies from group to group. Obviously, if you are going to follow this diet you have to determine which is your group and then learn a long list of dos and donts.

A major advantage of the Eat Your Colors Diet is its reliance on fruits and vegetables. You won't lack for vitamins or fibers. On the other hand, this diet is complicated, even for a single person. The food situation may really get out of hand if family members belong to different groups.

Here are two sample menus: Menu 1 (Vata) Breakfast: A bowl of oatmeal, one skim-milk yogurt, a half cup of strawberries, and a glass of tomato juice. Lunch: Sole and vegetable couscous. Supper: Hard boiled egg salad with radishes and cucumbers. A slice of whole grain bread. A glass of soy milk.

Menu 2 (Pitta) Breakfast: A slice of whole grain bread, one skim-milk yogurt, and a glass of mango juice. Lunch: A bowl of pea soup, a slice of whole grain bread, green salad with cucumbers and olive oil. A glass of soy milk. Supper: A green salad. A small plate of noodles with vegetables drizzled with olive oil. A cup of red beans.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available only in French. For more information consult the publisher's website.

Nutritional Benefits From Protein Sports Supplements

One of the best ways that a person can benefit from a healthy diet and exercise routine is the addition of sports nutrition in the form of extra protein. Protein is found naturally in many of the foods we eat. But a person who exercises often should get one gram of protein per pound of their body weight. This presents a problem in our fast breakfast (or no breakfast) and fast food lunch lifestyles. We don't always get the protein our body needs to benefit from our daily workouts. This needed protein can be acquired safely from sport supplements promoting extra protein.

Protein nutritional sports drinks and mixes can provide many benefits other than increasing muscle mass and body tone. Proper protein sports supplements can help your body repair damaged cells, such as repairing muscles and bones that may get damaged during a workout. Like carbohydrates, protein can give you energy throughout the day, but unlike carbohydrates, protein offers a lower level of energy that last much longer, keeping the weight off that generally comes from a high carbohydrates diet. Getting the right amount of protein, even through sports nutrition supplements, can help the body make essential amino acids as well.

One type of protein sports nutritional supplement you may see is one called whey protein. Whey comes from milk and is one of the highest quality forms of protein with a rich amount of amino acids. And unlike other forms of protein (red meat for example) whey offers protein in a low fat and low cholesterol form. Whether you just run every other day or you are a professional athlete, protein sports supplements can help increase your body's energy and strength. Most athletes consume a protein shake of some kind before and immediately after exercise or an event to help repair and rebuild damaged muscles.

Causes of Hair Loss in Men & Women

Most people don't want to lose their hair. Sure, some people are more comfortable with the process of balding than others but it can be emotionally trying for millions of Americans. To add insult to injury, the causes of hair loss are different for men and women and can affect many people differently.

The major causes, though, stem from circulatory, hormonal, genetic and nutritional factors. Although they all occur in various forms, all of these causes share a common denominator. They all lead to nutrient deprivation of the hair follicle, which in turn, leads to damaged hair and eventual loss.

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Many issues can lead to men's hair loss, and it's important to try to pinpoint the cause of your specific hair loss. Severe trauma, illness or even surgery can contribute to hair loss as bodily functions often get disrupted when the body undergoes any intense stress. Diseases or fungal infections can also lead to hair loss, regardless of one's age; if you suspect your hair loss may be due to any of these problems, you should see your physician.

Thinning hair could also be a side effect of taking a particular medication, or it could be caused by hormonal changes; however, the most common causes of men's hair loss are DHT buildup and genetics. While genetics used to be on the forefront of the male pattern baldness topic, experts believe they still factor in but aren't the primary issue at hand. Researchers have found that DHT, more formally known as dihydrotestosterone, can block hair follicles from growing new hair.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The causes of hair loss in women are slightly different from those in men. Because women produce significantly less testosterone than men, DHT buildup is often not as big a factor as for their male counterparts. However, it is a part of the overall umbrella of causes of hair loss in women and can be seen as a contributing factor.

One of the other causes of hair loss in women is hormonal imbalance. During the periods of puberty, menopause, pregnancy and post-menopause, women's hormones can change quite dramatically and for extended periods of time. This can lead to significant changes in the hair's composition and density.

Other causes for hair loss in women include surgery, prescription medications, stress, environmental pollutants, chemicals used in hair styling processes and certain cosmetic procedures. Poor circulation, diseases, and malnourishment are also, less common, causes of hair loss in women. In general, though, losing your hair can be prevented, slowed or reversed altogether with products from Kevis.

The Main Cause: DHT

DHT is a potent hormone that triggers hair loss, also known as Androgenetic Alopecia. For those genetically predisposed to hair loss, DHT dwarfs the hair follicle, which causes the scalp hair to regress to a vellus state which renders the hair virtually nonexistent. The extent and severity of an individual's hair loss condition can be gauged using a widely accepted measurement known as the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

For many people, DHT hair loss is not simply a matter of unjustified vanity. For some, the condition can be psychologically devastating as well as physically uncomfortable. While there are topical and oral medications designed to aid hair's natural regrowth phase, results are sometimes far from foolproof and can be accompanied by unwanted side effects of the aiding treatment.

Kevis Treats the Major Causes of Hair Loss Naturally

Kevis researchers believe that DHT, a post-conversion product of the hormone testosterone, is one of the leading causes of hair loss, particularly for men. When DHT binds itself to receptor cells in your hair follicles, it weighs the hair down and keeps it from growing over time. Our products treat all causes of hair loss by attacking DHT with our own blend of amino and other organic acids.

By targeting DHT, we can nip hair loss at its source. We use an HUCP compound to gently yet effectively cleanse the scalp. This works organically to simultaneously wash away DHT debris, buildup and chemical residue. When the hair starts to grow again, it can benefit from this new, cleaner follicle path and the abundance of fresh nutrients available to promote healthier, fuller strands.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of a PET CT Scan

A PET CT scan is a very important part of modern medicine. It is actually two medical imaging scans packaged up together for the purpose of creating a more in depth picture of the human body. The PET scan involves exposing the body to radioactive material that results in gamma rays being emitted from the part of the body being investigated. These energy rays can be detected and analysed and from this a clear picture can be gleaned of the condition of the organs, cells and tissue in that particular area. This unique function makes a PET scan extremely valuable in measuring and detecting cancerous growths and tumors in the body.

When combined with a CT scan, the end result is extremely detailed. A CT scan uses X-rays to provide a picture of the inside of the body. This makes locating tumors and abnormalities in the body much easier. By combining the two images (the PET scan and CT scan) a doctor receives an even fuller and more complete picture than when using just one or the other independently of each other. This ensures more accurate diagnoses can be made and more effective treatment given.

There are a number of benefits of a PET CT scan. First and foremost the information that is produced in this way is completely unique, and would be out of reach otherwise. There is no other scan or combination of scans that can provide as detailed and full a picture as that of a PET CT scan. Using imaging software and scans in this way is a much cheaper alternative than carrying out surgery to look into the body. Sometimes an investigative surgery will be unavoidable, but this is usually a last resort as it is more time consuming, more expensive and a great deal more difficult for the patient who may takes days or even weeks to recover. A PET CT scan can be carried out on an outpatient basis so it provides the minimum inconvenience to the patient.

PET scanning in particular, regardless of whether or not it is combined with a CT scan, provides intricate details of the body on a cellular level. This allows a disease or illness to be detected very early on, more so than other modalities are able to provide. When combined however, a PET scan and CT scan are extremely accurate. They can be performed at the same time, the patient does not even have to change positions which means there is very little room for error. This also makes it one of the most convenient medical imaging methods available. Software developed for reading data from a PET-CT allows for the metabolic (PET) and Anatomical (CT) data to be aligned one on top of the other giving the radiologists the most complete information possible.

As for disadvantages, well there aren't really any. Yes the patient is exposed to radioactive material, but this is such a small amount that it has no long term side effects. Nuclear medicine has been in existence for at least 50 years, and during that time there have been few serious problems arise from this type of treatment. Women who are pregnant may be unsuitable for a PET CT scan, but otherwise it is an extremely safe and effective procedure.

All medical imaging software is valuable to doctors and healthcare professionals, but none more so than that developed for reading a combined PET CT scan. The PET scan can provide detailed information about any abnormal cells - in this respect it can detect abnormal cells, the speed at which they are developing and how much they have spread. A CT scan provides a detailed image of the body which provides a map and directions to the location of the cells. Working as a double team allows doctors to make better treatment plans and provide the most appropriate care for their patients. It is particularly effective as one of the tools used in providing oncology solutions and is also useful in a multitude of medical disciplines.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Nutrition for Bodybuilders - Part 3

Parts 1 & 2 of this series covered ten significant and critical aspects of nutrition for bodybuilders. In this part 3 article I will expand on a few of those tips and offer added suggestions to help you achieve the physique that you desire.

Here are 5 more additional suggestions that you can make use of in your nutritional plan to augment your bodybuilding workouts. These include good fats, cycling protein, creatine, cortisol and overeating.

1. Good fats: As we discussed in a earlier article fat is a essential component to your nutritional intake. Just because you eat fat that doesn't mean you will become fat.Our bodies require a certain amount of good fats to function and grow appropriately. healthy fats will help promote testosterone production. It is recommended that you consume 6 to 8 ounces of lean red meat each day. Also consuming salmon or fish oil capsules is recommended as well to ensure that you are getting sufficient Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids promote glycogen storing and combat muscle irritation.

2. Cycling protein: Consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is the commonly accepted recommendation. This is a common recommendation and of course may have to be adjusted depending on your body type, your metabolism and whether or not you are achieving the results you long for. To help enhance protein synthesis it is recommended or suggested that you cycle your protein once every two weeks or so. This can be done by dropping your protein intake to about 0.7 grams for 2 or 3 days and then increase protein intake up to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight for the next 2 or 3 days. After that you can resume the common 1 gram per pound of bodyweight per day. Cycling in this manner can help improve your protein production.

3. Creatine: This is one of the more well-known amino acids in the body. It acts as an energy source by helping to replenish our systems ATP supply. ATP is the basic energy element for muscular contraction. So creatine will help improve strength and develop the quality of muscle contraction in addition to supporting protein regeneration. Any serious bodybuilder should be supplementing their workouts with creatine on a daily basis. Their are several suggestions as to how to take and how much you should consume but the general recommendation is 5 grams prior to and after training. The end result will be greater strength gains and substantially improved muscle mass.

4. Cortisol: The normal process in working out will cause muscles to become inflamed as cortisol levels increase in our systems. If you want to improve your recovery rate after a workout the research tells us to control excessive buildup of cortisol.In addition glycogen formation will improve and testosterone levels will become more stable. You can help control the corticol increase in your system by taking supplements such as vitamin C, glutamine and phosphatidylserine.

5. Overeating: Overeating of often a common fear that bodybuilders have.But if you raise your calories every two weeks or so for 1 or 2 meals what will essentially happen this will force your body to increase production of specific growth hormones which can convert those added calories and increased protein into muscle. So if you are consuming meals that consist of 40 grams of protein, 50 to 70 grams of carbs with the outstanding balance of fats try increasing your meals to 60 to 70 grams of protein, 100 to 125 grams of carbs and even more dietary fat.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

The GI Plan Diet: For People Who Hate Dieting

We can be overwhelmed with a variety of different dietary plans and sometimes we feel as if we have tried and failed at each one. It's little wonder that we are confused as some plans call for us to eat only protein, while others tell us to avoid protein altogether and simply stick to carbohydrates. These dietary plans are all around us and everybody seems to have their own opinion. Some people tell us that the diet should be centered around the glycemic index and specifically to focus on foods that are at the low end of that scale. This type of food is known to avoid the adverse effects associated with high blood sugar levels.

We can find several different dietary plans that are focused on the concept of low glycemic rankings. For instance, the South Beach diet is one of these. In addition, a lower GI diet is good for regulating the symptoms of diabetes and helping to control weight fluctuations in those who are unfortunate to have this disease.

A dietary plan must be focused on the individual. We all have to go through a process of trial and error until we find out what is right for us and we will often need to sample different diets along the way. It can help to seek out the services of a registered dietitian to make the process a little simpler.

Why is a glycemic index-based diet better for us? Mainly because we are able to see what effect a particular carbohydrate has on the human body. We know that some are digested more quickly and lead to blood glucose level spikes - this is known as a glycemic response. The response leads to creation of fat reserves and elevated levels of insulin, as well. These conditions are to be avoided at all cost.

The glycemic response varies according to the quantity of the carbohydrate that you eat, as well as its origin, whether it is processed or not and even how it is prepared and cooked. There is sometimes a considerable difference between a particular food consumed in its raw state, compared to when it is cooked.

Foods found at the bottom of the glycemic index are some of the healthiest and nutrient filled of all. It is here that we find a large variety of vegetables, fruits and beans that should be at the core of a glycemic diet plan. Be careful to study the index though as certain foods are not as "good" as others. For example, cooked carrots or ripened bananas can rank fairly highly on the scale.

Balance a dietary plan based on complex carbohydrates and vegetables from the low end of the glycemic index, together with a healthy amount of lean protein. Control your portions of chicken and fish. Do remember that fish is recommended as it has many health benefits associated with its fatty properties and all-important Omega-3 fatty acids. Always enjoy your diet and remember that moderation is the key, so you might find some of those simple carbs in your mix as well.

Friday, 26 September 2014

The HCG Diet Plan- Is It The Perfect Solution For Weight Loss?

Have you been searching for the best solution for you effective for weight loss, but can't seem to find what you need? Then you need to know more about the HCG diet plan to understand is it is perfect solution for you.

This diet plan was developed by Dr. Simeon after he did extensive research on the HCG hormone & how it was used to help someone lose weight. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin and it's produced in the body naturally.

Dr Simeon has found that HCG leads to changes in the way a person's metabolism functions in their body. This will help stimulate your body to release all your excess fat that has been stored in different areas of it.

To all who use this diet plan you get 2 options. You will be able to use an HCG shot or oral HCG.

Just to make sure you do the diet regimen of five hundred calories per day.

This strict diet helps to make sure your body will be cleaned of chemicals that add weight to it. This is 1 of the reasons it is an effective diet for everyone.

It is also important to know that there are 3 distinct phases know as loading, maintenance & stabilisation.

In the first phase, over a period of 2 days, you will take 60-10 drops of HCG 6 times each day. This is what makes it work effectively. You'll then need to eat a high calorie diet.

In the second phase, which lasts for twenty-one days, you use 60-10 drops of HCG six times each day. Once you get started with this phase of the diet you'll begin to eat a low calorie diet of five hundred calories each day that the diet requires.

The third phase will also last for twenty-one days or more, depending on how much weight you want to lose. Again, you will take 6-10 drops six times a day.

You will then be able to increase your calorie intake & can start eating organic food, but stay away from sugar & starch. Once you have completed all 3 phases you'll see a significant loss of weight.

You must be sure that you follow the diet very strictly in order for it to effectively work for you. 1 thing to note is that when you are on this diet, even if you only eat five hundred calories a day, your body will still burn almost two thousand calories each day.

Using this information about the HCG diet plan you must now decide whether to give it a try. To all of you who have been struggling to lose weight, this may be the solution you have been searching for.

It will help you effectively get rid of your weight and keep it off. However you will not know until you check it out yourself .

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Face Check Up

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the healthiest of them all? Here is your handy-dandy checklist for a healthy you. Discover how your face reveals your health.

____1. If you see 12 bloodshot lines in the whites of the eyes, your internal organs are getting weak.

____2. If the lines in the white of the eyes end in small spots, there is hardening and stagnation in the circulation of the blood. ____3. If the pupil of the eye is a yellowish color like mucos, it is due to the malfuction of the gall bladder.

____4. If the pupil of the eye is a black shade, it shows trouble in the kidneys.

____5. If the pupil of the eye is a purple or green shade anywhere on the eyes, it is very dangerous.

____6. If the pupil of the eye is a dark brown shade, it shows that the internal organs are becoming harder and inflexible.

____7. If there is a horizontal wrinkle across the groove under the nose, there is weakness in the sexual organs.

____8. If the lips are swollen, the digestive tract is swollen, and there is a tendency towards constipation.

____9. Baldness is a sign that the internal organs are becoming weak.

____10. Skin that has a reddish tinge is a sign that the heart is overworked.

____11. Brownish skin areas is generally a sign of trouble in the liver and gall bladder.

____12. Yellow skin areas indicate problems with the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

____13. Greenish skin is seldom seen, but if it is on the sides of the face, it could indicate lung cancer or too much sugar. It could turn the skin to blue or purple, a very dangerous sign.

____14. Purplish color on the nose may indicate a very expanded heart and high blood pressure.

____15. Black spots or dots are associated with kidney problems.

____16. A crease on right earlobe can indicate heart problems.

____17. For lung problems, look to the nose for any discoloration.

____18. For spleen problems, check for any discoloration on the inside of the eyes just below the eyebrows.

____19. For kidney problems, check for any discoloration just under the eyes.

Remember, these are only signals that MAY occur. Consult your doctor for any concerned areas.

Kathy Thompson is a Writer, Speaker, Profiler, who helps people succeed in their lives with her FREE weekly ezine; "Face Up To It - You Can." For a FREE sample send a blank email to; ezine4u@demandmail.com. Or contact Kathy at; healthyu@words4-u.com.

Arnica Gel is homeopathic anti-inflammatory relieve irritations from trauma, arthritis

Arnica Gel
New research into the efficacy of Arnica Gel for osteoarthritis of the fingers has demonstrated excellent results and has been submitted for publication. Arthritis affects over 8 million people with the fingers being the third most common area affected, after knee and hip.

This is the first study of multiple osteosrthritis of the fingers to be performed according to the latest international guidelines. It compared the effectiveness of Boiron Arnica Gel with one of the leading synthetics, ibuprofen gel.

A number of secondary targets were set and again, Arnica Gel achieved the same value as ibuprofen gel. The number of painful joints decreased equally in both groups, mornign joint stiffness diminished equally in both groups, and the duration of morning joint stiffness decreased from about 10 minutes to 5 minutes in both groups.

Arnica Gel has also been clinically proven to relieve the symptoms of ostearthritis of the knee, with 76 per cent of patients willing to use the treatment again. The mulitcentre trial was published in Advances in Therapy.

Boiron Arnica Gel is made from freshly harvested, organically cultivated Arnica flower tincture. Arnica is known for its homeopatheic use for bumps and bruises but its herbal use as an anti-inflammatory was nto widely known. Now research is proving that arnica is a very effective anti-infalmmaroty when applied topically. It helps with painful inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, stiff or sore joints.
For more Info

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Weight Loss: The Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight

So you've decided that you're going to do it.

You're sick and tired of being sick and tired and are once and for all hell bent on losing weight.

Well, let me be the first to warn you of a very grim fact:

Millions have tried before you and most of them have failed miserably at reaching their weight loss and diet goals.

Therefore, I've put together a little beginner's guide to help make sure that you are one of the few that actually ends up being successful at this.

1. Get an accurate picture of where you are now

Many people just go and hop on a diet or weight loss program without knowing exactly where they are from the start. This is dangerous because along the way there WILL be numerous times where you will be tempted to simply quit altogether. Without knowing where you started, you won't be able to accurately gauge your progress. Not being able too see that progress put you at an extremely high risk of quitting down the road when the going gets tough.

2. Set specific, realistic goals for your weight loss, and WRITE THEM DOWN.

This is one of the most ill-executed steps in the entire process of losing weight. Most people will passively quote some random amount of weight that they "hope" to lose.

- "I need to lose 30 lbs."
- "I'm trying to get back down to a size X"
- "If I can just fit back into Y, I'll be fine"

That is the exact WRONG way to go about your weight loss. All above the above are hopes. Wishes. Desires. And none does a thinner body make.

What you need are detailed, definite goals that are written and time bound (e.g. "over the next 3 months") to hold yourself accountable to doing what you said you were going to do by the time you said you were going to do it.

3. Adopt a step-by-step course of action to get you there

In order for this to work there needs to be a concrete method to your weight loss madness. To this end, you need to chose a weight loss plan that will lead you step-by-step through what to eat (and what not to eat), how and when to exercise, and every other imaginable aspect of losing weight. The reason for this is that goals have a much better chance of becoming reality when they are being attained as a result of a plan or system of action.

4. Get started IMMEDIATELY

Most flunkies know how to study. Most broke people know how wealth is generated. Most overweight people how to lose weight. However, what separates all of these very knowledgeable, yet unsuccessful people from the results they desire is action. Don't let that be your fate.

Once you have written specific goals and chosen a plan of action, don't delay in getting right on track to weight loss. The cheesecake, burgers, chocolate, and pastries aren't going anywhere. You can snack on them moderately once you've achieved your goals. Don't get caught into the trap of holding off having Your Best Body any longer. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be done.

5. Be Prepared for the emotional roller coaster

Nearly everyone who has tried to lose weight has had some level of success at one time or another. For those who have not been able to sustain desirable results, being knocked out by the emotional roller coaster is most likely to blame.

Look, losing weight is very simple, but not easy. If it were, there wouldn't be so many people trying to get it right. The #1 skill that you will need to develop in order to make it through is surviving the roller coaster of emotions. One day you'll feel as if you're getting great results. A week later, you may actually feel that you are moving backwards. Either way, just know that as long as you consistently follow the weight loss principles, you will ALWAYS move forward, even if it does not feel like it.

6. Don't stop until your goal is reached, no matter WHAT

So many times people come to a screeching halt in their efforts to lose weight and diet because they get discouraged a portion of the way through OR after they reach a certain benchmark they allow themselves to be satisfied and quit the program even though their goal has not been reached.


There was a specific reason that you set your initial goal. Do not sell yourself short by settling for anything less. Stick it out until the very end, and your sense of accomplishment will be irreplaceable.

7.Once you've reached your goal, never, EVER let yourself blow up again.

This is the last and final barrier to ultimate success in your efforts to lose weight.

Make sure not to allow yourself to relapse while you are in maintenance mode. I recommend sticking to the same general principles that helped you lose the weight and then occasionally indulging in some of the foods that you love. This balance is the best way to keep the body that you've worked for and not feel over-restricted.

Make this the first and last time that you ever have to go through a weight loss program. Remember that if you can just get it right one good time, you can literally maintain it forever with little effort.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Diet Programs and Meals - The Lemonade or Master Cleanse Diet

The Lemonade Diet, which is also known as the Master Cleanse Diet, is based on lemons, said to have important digestive properties. You start this diet with a detox stage lasting 24 hours. Make sure to do so on a light day because you may feel weak. Get up early and start this fateful day with a glass of lemonade at room temperature. By the way, the lemonade in the Lemonade Diet is made with a hand squeezed fresh lemon and includes a pinch of Cayenne pepper, filtered water, and two teaspoons of Maple Syrup. During this 24-hour detoxification period your meals are very precisely defined and usually include a glass of lemonade. You'll even drink a glass two hours before going to sleep.

This diet makes you drink a lot; you start the day with a warm glass of, you guessed it, lemonade and then drink six to eight glasses of water. Vitamin C is a biggie, starting with day 2 you consume 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily and season many dishes with squeezed fresh lemon. Lemon seasoning may reduce the body's secretion of insulin and so help you lose weight. Reduce your sugar consumption and ban "light" products. Cut down on refined foods. Make sure to chew your food well and exercise.

One major advantage of the Lemonade Diet is the lack of forbidden foods. The Lemonade diet is quite easy to follow and includes a variety of food. Disadvantages include the reliance on lemonade, not the wake-up beverage of choice for many people.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1

Breakfast: A glass of lemonade. Two slices of grain bread with very little butter. 1 apple and 1 fruit juice.

Mid morning snack: 1 kiwi and strawberries. 1 plain yogurt.

Lunch: 1 avocado and shrimp. A green salad seasoned with lemon.

Supper: Grilled fish seasoned with lemon. A large salad. Home-made red fruit compote.

Menu 2

Breakfast: 1 lemonade. 1 banana milkshake.

Mid morning snack: Fruit salad.

Lunch: Vegetarian pizza.

Supper: Baked salmon filet. Spinach. 1 pear compote.

Some information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes over 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available only in French. For additional information consult the publisher's website www.amerik-media.com.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Monday, 22 September 2014


  • health/article_12150.shtml" class=medium>Hypnosis That Works
    Do you think that it would help you get what you want out of life if you could persuaded people to do pretty much whatever you want whenever you want. What if I told you that you could do it whereve...
    Author: Ian Davis
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  • Lose Weight With the Power of Visualization
    Visualization is the process of creating a mental image of what you want to happen. Research has shown that visualization can have both physical and psychological benefits. Repeatedly visualizing yo...
    Author: Michael Locklear
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  • All About Glaucoma and Glaucoma Treatment
    Glaucoma is a serious condition of the eye that if left untreated can lead to loss of fibres in the optic nerve. Once the optic nerve has been damaged in this way then peripheral vision can be affec...
    Author: Kathryn Dawson
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  • Kegel Exerciser - Very Useful Device
    Kegel Exerciser helps amazingly in reshaping and re toning of the vaginal muscles which weaken during many stages of a women’s life. The stages can be during and after pregnancy, menopause, ageing, ...
    Author: Andrew Rivano
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  • tips To Track A weight loss Program
    Are you seeking to lose weight to improve your body structure, your health, or even both? If you are, may be waiting for advice. There are steps you be supposed to take before setting out on this ne...
    Author: Shiju Am
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Lose Weight With the Power of Visualization
    Visualization is the process of creating a mental image of what you want to happen. Research has shown that visualization can have both physical and psychological benefits. Repeatedly visualizing yo...
    Author: Michael Locklear
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  • All About Glaucoma and Glaucoma Treatment
    Glaucoma is a serious condition of the eye that if left untreated can lead to loss of fibres in the optic nerve. Once the optic nerve has been damaged in this way then peripheral vision can be affec...
    Author: Kathryn Dawson
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  • Kegel Exerciser - Very Useful Device
    Kegel Exerciser helps amazingly in reshaping and re toning of the vaginal muscles which weaken during many stages of a women’s life. The stages can be during and after pregnancy, menopause, ageing, ...
    Author: Andrew Rivano
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  • Tips To Track A weight loss Program
    Are you seeking to lose weight to improve your body structure, your health, or even both? If you are, may be waiting for advice. There are steps you be supposed to take before setting out on this ne...
    Author: Shiju Am
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • All About Glaucoma and Glaucoma Treatment
    Glaucoma is a serious condition of the eye that if left untreated can lead to loss of fibres in the optic nerve. Once the optic nerve has been damaged in this way then peripheral vision can be affec...
    Author: Kathryn Dawson
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  • Kegel Exerciser - Very Useful Device
    Kegel Exerciser helps amazingly in reshaping and re toning of the vaginal muscles which weaken during many stages of a women’s life. The stages can be during and after pregnancy, menopause, ageing, ...
    Author: Andrew Rivano
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  • Tips To Track A Weight Loss Program
    Are you seeking to lose weight to improve your body structure, your health, or even both? If you are, may be waiting for advice. There are steps you be supposed to take before setting out on this ne...
    Author: Shiju Am
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Kegel Exerciser - Very Useful Device
    Kegel Exerciser helps amazingly in reshaping and re toning of the vaginal muscles which weaken during many stages of a women’s life. The stages can be during and after pregnancy, menopause, ageing, ...
    Author: Andrew Rivano
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  • Tips To Track A Weight Loss Program
    Are you seeking to lose weight to improve your body structure, your health, or even both? If you are, may be waiting for advice. There are steps you be supposed to take before setting out on this ne...
    Author: Shiju Am
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Tips To Track A Weight Loss Program
    Are you seeking to lose weight to improve your body structure, your health, or even both? If you are, may be waiting for advice. There are steps you be supposed to take before setting out on this ne...
    Author: Shiju Am
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Drug And Alcohol Abuse On The Rise In US
    Drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies—sharing a bottle of wine over a meal, going out for drinks with friends, celebrating special occasions with champagne. But because alcohol is such...
    Author: Norton Medical
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Herbal Cure For Peyronie’s Disease: The Only Option
    There are many people that are sometimes skeptical in the effect of herbal medicines. Especially, in our time today, chemical medicines are more trusted due to the research and study that is in supp...
    Author: Gordon`s Herbal Research Center
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Home Cure for Heartburn 101
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD may sound too complicated a condition to be remedied by a simple home cure for heartburn. GERD happens when the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus bec...
    Author: Jenny Grahams
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • Copious Benefits of Natural Remedies
    With the increased number of diseases, the number of medications available in the market has increased too. But do you think it is wise enough to pop a pill for everyday issues of your body? For ins...
    Author: Brendon Taylor
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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  • The Better Way out
    If we take a closer look at our lifestyles nowadays then we find that it is full of stress. There are so many sources of stress in our heads and around us. There is a urgent need for us to fight thi...
    Author: Dion Silva
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